Graphic Recording Jordan Besko Garn Graphic Recording Jordan Besko Garn

Scribing Process

Most of the time people see the final product of a scribing and are excited and complimentary. But sometimes the whole creative process from beginning to end result for a scriber is sometimes overlooked.

When I begin I always do some initial research on the client or project and jot down notes and perhaps a few sketches of ideas. For the Ozobots program I prepped a title, logos and a subtle background graphic. I make it a priority for every project to have something started before the event to get me into the mindset of scribing. For the Ozobot project I photographed the process and video recorded myself scribing at the wall. I plan on converting it into a time lapsed video - coming next week.

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Graphic Recording Jordan Besko Garn Graphic Recording Jordan Besko Garn

Introduction to Tarot

Recent live graphic recordings with ApotheCarrie Tarot’s ‘Introduction To Tarot’ workshops held this past October 25, 2019 and November 5, 2019 at Energy Wisdom & Tea Lounge, Mission, BC.

The experiential class gave participants a jump-start on reading tarot for themselves and others by exploring the elements in tarot, providing an overview of the Major and Minor Arcana, tricks for memorization and other tools for their journey.

The graphic recordings were captured during the 2-hour workshops and participants were grateful to have a open and safe space for the conversation. The shared graphic at the conclusion was the fibre that wove the stories together visually.

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